In 1997, SVP (Spread Videoart Project) started activities as a society "Harajuku Video-study Group" (in Harajuku, Tokyo) which provided chances of exchange for video artists in Japan.
It aimed to activate a scene of videoart and visual media, and to set up places for presentation and exchange by artists themselves.
SVP had introduced many video artists'works, including works by members of SVP, through activities to hold screenings, "BUREIKOU" and to publish a magazine, "re-site".
In 2002, SVP stopped organizing.
In 2005, Hiroaki Sato (the director of SVP2) and Aki Nakazawa restarted it with a new formation as "SVP2 (Spread Videoart Project Second Aspect)".
Since then, SVP2 has maintained activities with taking over the basic idea of SVP to activate a scene of visual-media. It explores and develops possibilities not only for art but also for diverse genres such as visual-media literacy-education and local community activity. |